A simple but very special hotel in Cologne
Non-kosher hotel located at short walking distance from a kosher restaurant and a synagogue.
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Also in Munich is possible to keep kosher
The hotel is not kosher and is a 10-minute walk from a kosher restaurant and a synagogue.
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You can eat kosher in Frankfurt too
Hotel not kosher. The Kosher LeMehadrin restaurant Sohars is a 5-minute walk away
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Geffen st. 23/3
Harish 3760305, Israel

Phone +972-9-7484846
Fax +972-4-6831995
Skype: kosher-holidays
In the US call 718-395-3553
In the UK call 020-8123-8676
In France call 0970-406-496
In Switzerland call 44-586-66-59